What is the best machine embroidery thread?

Are you looking for the best machine embroidery threads? I can help you! What do you want? The long answer or the quick answer? Let’s begin with the short answer. If you like it, you can continue.

A machine embroidery thread that you both like is the best.

There. That’s it. That’s it.

Are you still not satisfied with this answer? Let’s go deeper.


Machine embroidery thread is thread that can be used to create designs on an embroidery machine. Although it may look similar to regular thread at first glance, machine embroidery thread is very different because of its unique weight and sheen.

Sewing threads are typically 30 wt, while machine embroidery threads are usually 40 wt. It is thinner than sewing thread, despite its higher weight. It is designed to glide smoothly through the machine and needle without friction.

Machine embroidery thread has a different sheen than regular sewing thread. The sheen of machine embroidery thread is shiny and brighter than regular sewing thread. Cotton machine embroidery thread is the exception, which has a duller appearance that its rayon or polyester counterparts.

You can also embroider with embroidery thread or machine embroidery thread.

Yes, and yes.

Although machine embroidery thread isn’t as strong as regular sewing threads, it can still be used to sew. It may look a little shiny.

It will also look dull if you embroider with regular sewing yarn. This could also cause your machine to lose tension. As far as I am concerned, please pass.

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What is good quality embroidery thread?

Good quality embroidery thread should have a beautiful finish, not fray or become difficult to work with, and, most importantly, it doesn’t break.

Machine embroidery thread is different from sewing thread. Regular thread serves to keep a garment together. Machine embroidery thread, however, is what you use to create your embroidery art. High quality thread will look better and be easier to use. It may not be as strong as regular sewing thread but it must still be durable enough not to break while stitching out the many stitches that make up an embroideries design.

What is the best type of machine embroidery?

Machine embroidery threads are made from 100% polyester. However, not all embroidery threads are made of 100% polyester. Some are rayon, some are cotton.

The dullest option of all three is cotton. It doesn’t shine as much and can look luxurious when monogrammed on towels.

Rayon and polyester have more in common. Rayon is more similar to polyester. However, rayon is smoother, softer and finer than polyester. It also has a natural appearance. It is also more efficient than polyester in stitching fine details such as small letters on fine fabrics like handkerchiefs.

They are all pretty comparable in terms of price.

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This is a subjective question. Based on their personal experience, different people will have different favorites. Many brands are considered the best by machine embroidery users, including Madeira, Floriani and Isacord. Simthread, Metro. Robinson-Anton. Marathon. Sulky. Exquisite. Glide. Gutterman. Kingstar.

In an effort to find consensus, I surveyed 100 embroidery machine owners in the hope of finding their preferred options.

But I was wrong.

They had a variety of responses. Here are their responses.

*Preferred brands for machine embroidery thread


*Data is based on a survey of 100 practitioners. 

As you can see, there is not one winner. There are many “best” brands. Based on the overwhelming response, it seems that many people are very brand loyal.

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It helps to understand why people like a particular brand when they say so. When creating my survey, I asked people to tell me why they felt that way. The following information was insightful and useful for me.


Hemingworth machine embroidery floss is available in many colors and stitches beautifully. It is easy to clean and keeps it from tearing.


Exquisite looks great, is durable, doesn’t break, and is affordable. The 5000-meter spools cost less than their 1000-meter counterparts.


Isacord is known for not shredding and using colors that match their color charts. Isacord is reported to run smoother on embroidery machines than other brands. It is a very useful thread.


Floriani is a stunning sheen with a huge range of colors.


Metro supplies embroidery services, but they also sell their own brand. You can get a sample card made with real thread for a very affordable price. It is affordable, durable, vibrant and easy to embroider with. You can also get your product quickly!

Robinson Anton

Robinson Anton has been referred to as a brand with a higher quality. Because it stitches so well, dealers often suggest it. Dealers want their machines to look great!


Madeira threads have silky texture and vibrant colors. It is not likely to cause damage or breakage in most embroidery machines.


Simthread is the most affordable. Simthread comes in a variety of colors and stitch patterns. Amazon also sells many different types of Simthread Variety Packs.

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Remember that threads perform best when they are properly cared for. Dust will build up if embroidery thread is left out on shelves. When you start stitching, that dust can be introduced to your embroidery machine. A dusty machine won’t perform at its best.

It is worth thinking about how to store your machine embroidery thread.

Old embroidery thread can become very fragile. If your thread is brittle and breaking often when you embroider with 20-year old embroidery thread, it may be time to get rid of it. It might be time to get rid of it.

Before you throw out any brand of embroidery thread or type of machine embroidery thread you need to consider other reasons your thread may be breaking, or bird nesting. These problems are often not related to the brand or type of machine embroidery thread you use.

Another fun fact: It is more common for darker colors to perform poorly than their lighter counterparts. If you’re trying out a brand, make sure to test other colors.

Are you ready to invest?

You may want a large assortment of machine embroidery thread for beginners. You should ensure that you have the ability to purchase individual spools of the collection in order to replenish your stock when different colors run out. Amazon’s New Brothread is great. However, certain colors can be hard to find single replacements so you will end up buying another set.

The best thing about the internet is that there are many different, really good brands. Avoid brands that are not recommended by others and avoid any Walmart-brand products. Once you have found one you like, you should stick with it for consistency across your work.

Enjoy! Happy stitching!